HR Performance Metrics人力資源績效指標



1 :Revenue per employee


  • Total revenue / total number of employees
  • 總營業收入 / 總員工數目

2:Revenue per FTE


  • Total revenue / total number of FTE
  • 總營業收入 / 總全職人力工時

3:Profit per employee


  • Total profit / total number of employees
  • 總利潤 / 總員工數目

4:Profit per FTE


  • Total profit / total number of FTE
  • 總利潤 / 總全職人力工時

5:Overtime per employee


  • Hours of overtime / total number of hours (contractual hours + overtime) per period
  • 加班時數 / 每個時期的總工作時數(合同時數+加班時數)

6 : Labor cost per employee


  • Total labor cost / total number of employees
  • 總人工成本 / 總員工數目

7 : Labor cost per FTE


  • Total labor cost / FTE
  • 總人工成本 / 總全職人力工時

8 : Labor cost percentage of revenue


  • Total labor cost / organizational revenue
  • 總人工成本 / 公司收入

9 : Labor cost percentage of total expenses


  • Total labor cost / total organizational expenses
  • 總人工成本 / 公司總支出

10 : Absence rate


  • Number of absence days / total number of working days
  • 缺席日數 / 總工作日數

11 : Absence rate per manager/department


  • Number of absence days per unit / total number of working days per unit
  • 缺席日數(經理/部門) / 總工作日數(經理/部門)

12 : Overtime expense per period


  • Overtime pay / total pay per period
  • 加班費 / 總工資 (每時期)

13 : Training expenses per employee


  • Training expenses / total expenses
  • 培訓費用 / 總支出

14 : Training efficiency


  • Training expenses per employee / training effectiveness
  • 每員工的培訓費用 / 培訓效果

15 : Voluntary turnover rate


  • #Voluntary Terminates during period / # Employees at the beginning of period
  • 自願離職人數 / 員工初期人數

16 : Involuntary turnover rate


  • #Involuntary Terminates during period / # Employees at the beginning of the period
  • 非自願離職人數 / 員工初期人數

17 : Turnover rate of talent


  • # Terminates who qualified as high potentials during period / # Employees at the beginning of the period
  • 被視爲高潛力的員工離職人數 / 員工初期人數

18 : Turnover rate


  • # Terminates during period / # Employees at the beginning of period
  • 員工離職人數 / 員工初期人數

19 : Turnover rate per manager/department


  • # Terminates per unit during period / # Employees in the unit at the beginning of
  • Period
  • 員工離職人數 / 員工初期人數(每位經理/部門)

20 :Cost of absenteeism


  • Total cost of absenteeism = Total employee hours lost to absenteeism * hourly pay (including benefits) +Supervisor hours lost in dealing with absenteeism * hourly pay supervisor (including benefits) + other costs (including temporary staff, training, loss of productivity, quality loss, overtime, etc.)
  • 總曠工成本 = 總僱員曠工小時 * 時薪(包括福利)+ 因曠工而成的監督時數* 時薪(包括福利)+ 其他成本(包括臨時工、培訓、生產力損失、質量損失、加班等)

21 : Cost of turnover


  • Total cost of turnover, see Excel (by SHRM)
  • 總離職成本

22 : HR to employee ratio


  • FTE working in HR / total number of FTE
  • 人力資源部門的全職人力工時 / 總全職人力工時

23 : HR cost per FTE


  • Total HR cost / total number of FTE
  • 總人力資源成本 / 總全職人力工時

24 : Time until promotion


  • Average time (in months or years) until promotion
  • 升職的平均時間(以月或年為單位)

25 : Promotion rate


  • Number of employees promoted / headcount
  • 升職的員工數目 / 人數


General Workforce Metrics 一般勞動力指標

26 : Average age


  • Sum of age of all headcount / headcount
  • 全部人員的年齡總和 / 人數

27 : Average length of service


  • Length of service of all headcount / headcount
  • 全部人員的服務年期總和 / 人數

28 : Retirement rate


  • # Employees retired in period / headcount at beginning of period
  • 一段時期内的退休員工數目 /員工初期人數

29 : Average distance from home


  • Average distance in miles (or km) from home
  • 離家的平均距離(以m/km為單位)

30 : Engagement rate


  • # Employees above the engagement norm in period / headcount at beginning of period
  • 在參與率標準以上的員工人數 / 員工初期人數

31 : Satisfaction rate


  • Number of people who report being satisfied in their job / total number of people
  • 滿意工作的員工數目 / 總人數

32 : Salary hike since last year


  • (Current salary – salary previous year) / salary previous year
  • (現時薪金 – 上一年薪金)/ 上一年薪金

Recruitment Metrics 招聘指標

33 : Time to fill


  • Number of days between publishing a job opening and hiring the candidate
  • 從發布職位空缺到聘用求職者的天數

34 : Time to hire


  • Number of days between the moment a candidate is approached and the moment the candidate accepts the job
  • 從開始接觸聯絡求職者到求職者接受工作機會的天數

35 : Cost per hire


  • Total cost of hiring / the number of new hires
  • 總招聘成本 / 新招聘的數目

36 : Source of hire


  • Sourcing channel used to attract the hire
  • 用來吸引人才的招聘渠道

37 : First-year resignation rate


  • Employees who left the organization within 1 year / headcount

Note: this number should be 0, just like metrics no. 38, 39 and 40. A percentage higher than zero will be very costly and indicates a bad fit with new recruits and the organization. Organizations should use better selection tools and procedures to prevent this.

  • 第一年離職的員工 /人數


38 : First-year turnover rate


  • Employees who left the organization within 1 year / total number of recruits
  • 第一年内離職的員工 / 總僱用人數

39 : First-month turnover rate


  • Employees who left the organization within 1 month / total number of recruits
  • 第一個月内離職的員工 / 總僱用人數

40 : Hiring manager satisfaction


  • Number of hires who perform well / total number of hires
  • 表現優良的的獲聘人數 / 總僱用人數

41 : Candidate job satisfaction


  • Number of hires who rate themselves as satisfied in their new job / total number of Hires
  • 對工作滿意的獲聘人數 / 總僱用人數

42 : Applicants per opening


  • Total number of applicants / number of job openings
  • 總申請人數 / 空缺數目

43 : Selection ratio


  • Number of hired candidates / total number of candidates
  • 獲聘人數 / 求職者人數

44 : Cost per hire


  • (Total internal cost + total external cost) / total number of hires
  • (總内部成本 + 總外部成本) / 總僱用人數

45 : Offer acceptance rate


  • Number of offers accepted / number of offers made
  • 接受工作機會的數目 / 發出工作機會的數目

46 : Vacancy rate


  • Total number of open positions / total number of positions in organization
  • 空缺數目 / 公司總職位數目

47 : Application completion rate


  • Total number of people who completed the application / total number of people who started with the application
  • 總完成求職申請過程的人數 / 總開始了求職申請過程的人數

48 : Yield ratio



Number of applicants who successfully completed the stage / total number of

applicants who entered the stage. For example:

● 15:1 (750 applicants apply, 50 CVs are screened)

● 5:1 (50 screened CVs lead to 10 candidates submitted to the hiring manager)

● 2:1 (10 candidate submissions lead to 5 hiring manager acceptances)

● 5:2 (5 first interviews lead to 2 final interviews)

● 2:1 (2 final interviews lead to 1 offer)

● 1:1 (1 offer to 1 hire)


成功完成最後階段的的求職人數 / 進入最後階段的求職人數


● 15:1 (750求職者申請,篩選了50份CVs)

● 5:1 (篩選了50份CVs ,有10名候選人可以提交到招聘經理)

● 2:1 (10名候選人,可以有5名可以獲得招聘經理認可)

● 5:2 (5名候選人,有2人可以進入最後面試階段)

● 2:1 (2名最後候選人,有1名會獲錄取通知)

● 1:1 (1份錄取通知,有1名獲聘)

49 : Sourcing channel effectiveness


  • Total number of impressions of the channel / number of applications of the channel
  • 瀏覽該招聘渠道的人數 / 從該招聘渠道求職的人數

50 : Sourcing channel cost


  • Advertisement spending per channel / number of successful applicants per platform
  • 該招聘渠道的廣告費用 / 該招聘渠道成功的求職者

51 : Cost of getting to Optimum Productivity Level (OPL)


  • Total cost involved in getting someone up to speed = onboarding cost + training cost + cost of supervision + cost of on-the-job training + (total labor cost * % OPL per month) until 100% OPL Is reached
  • 使某人達到最好狀態所涉及的總成本 = 入職費用 + 培訓費用 + 監督成本 + 在職培訓 + (總勞工成本 * % OPL)


關於Six People Map

我們是成立了近7年與HR 同一陣線的招聘方案團隊。我們已應用智能科技到招聘流程,並將在3個月內推出「Talent Magnet」,提供半自動化招聘助理服務 (AI-enabled Recruitment Consultant service) ,以減省50%-80%傳統獵頭服務 (recruitment agency fee) 的成本和吸引罕見人材 (Passive Candidates)。同時,HR 不需要有 technology 相關的知識,只需付出合理的 marketing budget,便可輕鬆享受到更快﹑更準確﹑更廣闊的人材搜羅服務。

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