Why should we use HR Metrics?

Why should we use HR Metrics?

HR metrics (also known as HRM metrics) harness the power of data to make decisions that lead to better outcomes for the company and its employees, says AIHR, which provides online training for HR professionals. The importance of HR metrics is that they enable HR...
5大原因值得請Part-Time — 兼職、散工成新工作模式

5大原因值得請Part-Time — 兼職、散工成新工作模式

一場新冠肺炎危機,讓香港甚至全球的的經濟及工作模式都經歷着急速的轉變,特別是人才管理(talent management),企業為了有效控制成本,令招聘兼職(part-time)、臨時工、freelance或合約員工(contract role)成爲大勢所趨,小編將分析以下5大請part-time的優勢,公司和HR可根據業務需求,選擇一個最合適自己公司的招聘方案。 1. 以有限的預算招聘最多的人才...